mercredi 5 mars 2025

jacques halbronn About Gruber’s criticism (2003) of his Nostradamus results since 1981.

jacques halbronn About Gruber’s criticism (2003) of his Nostradamus results since 1981. In 2003, 22 years ago, Elmar Gruber proposed an exhaustive study of my research abouth Centuries Reconsidering the « Nostradamus Plot »: New Evidence for the Critical Evaluation of the Chronology of the Editions of the Prophéties . I intend, in the present text to react to his various rejections of my conclusions which have been in the mean time completed in 2007 (Post Doctorate on the history of nostradamic criticism and 2011 (Revue Française d’Histoire du Livre) . I will start to summarize my main points before discussinge Gruber’s positions toward my work. But, I will start by underlining the fact that you need a certain experience on forgeries not to loose your path in that regard. My 1999 thesis was as a matter of fact not exclusively dedicated to Nostradamus, far from that as it inclued the Protocols of Zion for example.Its title « The French prophetical text. Formation and fortune, covered a much more extended field in time and in authors, which is actually the weak point of most nostradamical studies, mostly concentrated on the life of Nostradamus. Main points: 1 Some imitators of Nostradamus, in the 1570, have been used to produce pseudo-nostradamic literature, as Antoine Crespin. 2 The forgers have used all sorts of documents to nurish their Centuries entreprise as has shown Liaroutzos concerning the use of he Guide des Chemins de France by Charles Estienne. We have recently shown that the work of Guillaume de La Perriere, published in 1552, at Mace Bonhomme publishing house, with as title « Four Centuries » has directly inspired the 1555 edition at the same place. 3 It is therefore clear that the first false edition of the Centuries had the same title, refering to 4 Centuries, which is not the case of the false Mace Bonhomme édition which includes 4 Centuries but the last one uncomplete while we have a 1588 editions (cf Ruzo) « Grandes et Merveilleuses Predictions divisées en 4 centuries » (Rouen, Petit Val). 4 The 1588-89 editions only include the 4 Centuries editions, in spite of the fact that there was 1557 and 1568 editions supposedly already published. 5 the second volume of the Centuries (VIII, IX, X) first included the Epistle to Pope Sixte IV since some quatrains of that group refer implicitely to it and to the year 1567 so that we understand quatrain VIII, 77 mentioning 27 years « Vingt sept ans durera cette guerre ». Precisely, if we ad 1567 to 27, you get 1594 year Henri IV’s coronation. The Epistle was later on replaced by a pseudo Epistle to Henri the Second, which used a first Epistle to this same king introducing the Pressage Merveilleux. The name of Chartres had replaced Chastres in order to prove that Nostradamus had predicted thet the coronation will not take place in Reims but in Chartres, exceptionnally( see . 5 the 1580 s forgers have used an amount of documents to create an illusion of authenticity and that included false almanachs published in the 1560s. The made a fatal mistake in reproducing the image used by those pirate almanachs in order to illustrate the false 1555-1557 editions of the Prophecies. 6 There wea actually quatrains in the true almanachs of Nostradamus and this was the reason why this form was chosen to constitue the false Centuries The content of those quatrains was derived from prose predictions inclued in the respective almanachs. And this is also the reason why I say that one has to look for the origine of the false quatrains within the true prose production of Nostradamus (cf our Post Doctorate 2007, Le Dominicain Giffré de Rechac etc My introduction on You tube). The relation between prose and verses has been, at that time, a major progress, later than the article by Gruber. 7 The position I had in 2002, in my book on Documents Inexploités, has been completely revised and I had abandoned the idea according to which the revival of Nostradamus took place only a few years after his death (1566) So that my analysis of Androgyn (1570) and Prophéties by Antoine Crespin (1572) was therefore postdated of around 15 years. It appears anyway that Chavigny was a main contributor to such a revival in the 1580-1590s. 8 On the basis of Liaroutzos research, I could prove that the original text of such a source (guide des Chemins de France) was modified so that the mention of Chastres was changed in Chartres to fit with the expected coronation taking place in that City . My Answer to certain Gruber’s points. Gruber argues that the quatrains which I said (1997) have been produced at the time of the League against the city of Tours did not find any echo as if we had kept everything dating from that period. It is a strange coincidence that the missing quatrains of the first 1588 false editions include précisely IV, 46. Gruber does note like when I say that Couillard in his Prophecies, attack an edition of Nostradamus that has not been kept, including an Epistle to Cesar. This is this missing edition which has inspired the false Epistle to Cesar in the same way as there was, as said above, a first Epistle to the King. that does not mean at all that the false editons of the Epistle to Cesar is the exact copy of the previous one in the same way as the false edition of the Epistle to the King would be the exact copy of the previous one. Fortunately we do have a copy of the Epistle (see my 2002 reprint) Gruber ends his attack with an analysis of my statements about Chavigny. This Recueil des Présages Prosaïques includes the draft of the almanachs sent to publication, without the quatrains which were composed by some versificator. Gruber mentions the attempts by Chavigny to connect diverse pieces of the Nostradamus corpus together. So what? The main idea of Chavigny was to demonstrate the unity of the whole, especially in his « Janus Gallicus »(1594) mixing quatrains of almanachs to quatrains of the Centuries in his commentary. JHB 05 02 25

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